This website will be closed in a few days, as I will move all news and information towards the label site to get the shit more compact instead of being separated on two sites!!

For any updates, check out:

Thanks for the true support of the underground cult!!


Work in progress: Morbid Faith Newsletter #21!!
Publishing-Date: Mid-April...


Coming next:

Bestial Desecration Fanzine - "DESCENDING INTO DARKESS"
(The Dark Mexican Metal Cult of the 90s) ENGLISH VERSION!!

Biographies, historical information, flyers, photos and also including four interviews (Tamerlan, Eternal, Argentum & Under Moonlight Sadness). First copies including compilation-tape!!

(Only one interview is still missing to finish this issue!)

More info soon...



"True Metal Spirit is a privilege... Not a decision!"
01. The seventh issue of Bestial Desecration Fanzine is finally out now and became the strongest edition of all so far in terms of radical underground ideology and true spirit, wherefore I sent out my deepest gratitude and respect to all the bands of this issue who proved and demonstrated proudly their iron will and true dedication to the bloody underground cult throughout these 120 pages!! This issue contains detailed conversations and radical discussions about the true devotion and morbid faith of each band, which are:
-Guerreros de Lucifer/Nebiros (Colombia)
*Exclusive conversation with Bael on 26 pages!!!!!*
-Blasphemaniac (Brazil)
-Nekro Cvlt Desecration (Argentina/Venezuela)
-Master of Cruelty (Paraguay)
-Warfare Noise (Paraguay)
-Witchfukker (Netherlands)
-Hellcrash (Italy)
-Exult (Chile)
-Tungsten Axe (Sweden)
-Sepulchral Voices (Belgium/Paraguay)
-Hellrot (Mexico)
-Bafomet (Japan)
Also featuring several band-biographies, record/zine-reviews and including a special bonus-zine:
02. "Imperial Forces of the Southern Hell Legions"
Exclusive "Paraguay" Underground-Report including biographies, band-list and comments by several artists and maniacs from the unholy cult of south american hell! (24 pages)!!
Available now for 7,00€ (excl. postage)!!
This is not the average, half-assed trendy shit papers you'll see everyday... this is pure metal holocaust!!!
Rise and resist or cease to exist!


01. Finally it took even longer than expected to gather all the shitty money for the seventh new issue of BESTIAL DESECRATION, but now it's finally done and I would like to send out my deepest gratitude and hails to all the bands for their great contribution and patience once again, which made this issue the strongest ever so far in terms of radical ideology, metallic spirit and absolute power!! The bonus-zines w/ the Paraguay-Special will arrive in approximately 1 week, so stay tuned!! Twelve damn interviews with Nekro Cvlt Desecration, Guerreros de Lucifer/Nebiros, Blasphemaniac, Master of Cruelty, Hellrot, Witchfukker, Warfare Noise, Hellcrash, Exult, Bafomet, Tungsten Axe & Sepulchral Voices next to several biographies, reviews and more!!

02. Further I am proud to announce a special "joint-operation" fanzine named SPELLS OF DAMNATION, for which several friended fanzine-editors from all over the world have agreed to join me on this project with exclusive interviews to create something together in honor for all those, who remained faithful to the old traditions of the fanzine-underground! Total Hail to the following maniacs:

01. Akkeldama Zine & Tiago Siqueira (Brazil)
02. Ancient Spirit Terror & Vasili Vasilopoulos (Germany)
03. Argyope & Saul Essame (France)
04. Bells of Acheron & Jesus Claros Claros
05. Cthulhu & Helson Reviler
06. Legion of Torture & Juan Carlos AR
07. Nuclear Winter & Lukas R.
08. Realm of Shades & Cowboy
09. Reveal Fanzine & Atandistorted Atan
10. Slava & Svp-necrohatred Hellscraper
11. Terasing Zine & Isolated PT

More news and official flyers will follow soon...

03. The work on the english-version for "Descending into Darkness" is almost finished (only one of four interviews is missing), at this point also special thanks to Khabee (Argentum), Ivan Bloodhunter (Under Moonlight Sadness), Viktor Andrade (Eternal) and especially McHarris Slaughter (Tamerlan) for your time and dedication to answer the interviews!!

04. Last but not least, the 20th (special) issue of the MORBID FAITH Newsletter will be out very soon as well... last call for the labels, zines and bands for sending any promo-ads, biographies and news etc!! (But keep your modern, trendy shit for yourself!!)

***Also don't forget to check out the newest killer issues of ANCIENT SPIRIT TERROR, AKKELDAMA ZINE, NUCLEAR WINTER & ARGYOPE!!!***

*All print-files will be spread for free to interested distros, just hit me up by email once the shit is out!! Contact:

Bestial Desecration: Speed Metal Enforcer #2!!!

The second issue of the special series "Speed Metal Enforcer" will be published this winter together with the new SPHINX EP "Aggressions"!!! Number #2 contains a personal interview with "Terrorizer" this time, alongside with a big "Thrashback 2022" documenting all highlights and shit that happened during this year, exclusive band-news, lots of live-pics and a special-article about the special relation between Sphinx and the east-european metal Underground: "The East-Bloc Metal Alliance"!!!

More info coming soon...